On my M20 (now 600) I have to replace my valve lifter as the splines are worn on the old one, making it impossible to adjust.
The replacement is in good condition & was working in another motor.
When I offer it up the peg hits the tappet ring, about 2mm or so touching vertical surfaces.
The valve is pocketed down, the valve head stands about 1mm proud of the cylinder surface.
The old peg had been ground down.
I suppose this means either the valve seat is redone or the "new" peg will have to be ground down.
Or am I missing something?
These are such a fiddle to set up and I have seen the peg ground down to compensate for a pocketed valve.....Which is a bodge and once it's done there's no going back with it! I'd say it needs a new valve seat insert, or the lesser bodge would be to grind a bit off the end of the valve.:confounded: Ron
The service intervals will also be extended as the seat inserts are much more durable, not to mention the restoration of gas flow at small valve openings...Is that an M20 issue?:laughing: :laughing: ..Ian
Thanks for these replies.
This all came about because the new piston's giving trouble after only a thousand miles or so. Slight scuffing at the rear of the barrel, haven't lifted it yet. We think we'll get away with a honing.
I've had endless trouble with the top end of this engine.