The last WM20 produced for the British Government was from contract S7218, originally this contract was for 10,000 machines but due to the war finishing this was stopped at 5,870 according to O&M.
So if my calculations are correct that would give this result
WM20 116818 C5885918 first of the contract
WM20 122687 C5891787 5,870th machine
WM20 126817 C5895917 10,000th originally planned last machine
The demand card for contract S7218 is different however, it says the total from this contract was 5,869 and gives the "C" serials in two blocks with C5888852 missing?
Then there is the "Allocation by Central Census Tanks and Vehicles of "B" Vehicles W.D. Numbers" which gives contract S7218 as having the block C5885861 to C5891787 (5,927 machines) C5891788 to 5895917 (4,130 machines cancelled from this contract), I only have Robs reprint of this, is it correct?
But this rather poor quality picture doesn't appear to have C5891788 or C5891787 on the tank, does anyone have a clearer copy of it please?
The 'last' M20 may have been a nominally selected bike that was near but not necessarily at, the end of the run...Rather like the nominally selected 500,000th.? bike which was deemed to be a Triumph after the manufacturers drew lots...
However, it would be nice to see if the photo ties in with available records...Any frame and engine number?...It would be nice to know if it still existed....Ian
It appears to be pictured on the end of the production line itself so it wouldn't be the last one on it if there were others following?
But its true they may not have come off the line in frame serial number order, the "tally" number may have been more important at that stage of production.
To already have the WD Serial number, this must be very much towards the end of the production sequence. It could be a rectified bike going back down the line though...that may account for the recorded gap in the serials on the Chilwell card...a rejected or undelivered bike which was then never rectified and supplied as the contract had been stopped.
If there is a decent copy of this photo anywhere, then I would think that Morton's Archive is where to ask...Do you know when and where it was originally published ? Probably in both the weeklies which doubles the chance of a surviving copy.
'Here lads, this one will do. Stick it back on the end of the assembly line. There's an office wallah wants to get a picture of the last bike'...:laughing: ..Ian
All the Ministry of Supply records back into the 1930s show a two-year a time when a private punter was lucky to get three months parts only...Was it just that they sent back broken parts for assessment and possible replacement ?
I reckon they did well from government contracts...Particularly bearing in mind the likely shortage of customers during the depression...It was probably just another 'sweetener' to ensure more contracts came along and no doubt they had worked out the costs v. benefits....Ian