I have two pillion saddles one with two outer fixing rails one with a mudguard section fitted , both reproduction made by JAN , before I send one off for a covering havent decided who will do this yet any recommendations?
What one should I use on the WNG I tried posting photos but it’s defeated me andrew
Yeah, it's a bugger to post fotos. You have to go to some website, load it with your pic, then copy and paste the link. I forgot which website though.
It's easy once you do it, it's just not common knowledge. Sorry I can't be more specific. One of the admins can tell you. Try Bastiaan. He knows what what and it's his job. LOL!!!
Andrew it's a problem getting a proper job on our single saddles and pillions, and I'd be pleased to hear some positive input. Leighton's don't seem to understand our requirements, even when I send my own material.
I had a small batch made for the Acumen pillions (W/NG's) by an amazing guy, but unfortunately he seems to have gone off his chump:disappointed:
I just hade a couple of Mansfield covers made (3HW) copied from an original, by a local lady who makes handbags. However the design is quite simple and held on the frame with four leather straps.
Send me your pictures if you want and I'll post them for you. Ron