I found a $37 dollar brake rivet tool. I found brake material by the foot.
I can measure how wide I need, but how thick were the original linings.
I looks to me I will be all in for $60 dollars with the ability to do my KM20.
Brake lining material is really cheap?
This looks to be an easy DIY. I know the original contain asbestos. I am a chemist and know how to handle the stuff. Water to handle any dust, gloves and an N95 mask.
Here is an interesting story about my dad. In 1940 my dad went to work to work as a welder in the Philadelphia Ship Yards. He told me a story about the crews having fights, battering each other with huge blocks of asbestos. He then went on to be a 3rd Class Engineman on the USS Alaska. After the war he went back to welding. He lived a happy very long life with no issues caused by years of breathing asbestos dust. Just saying. He also smoked Chesterfields, ate bacon and eggs every morning washed down with black coffees.
The kids in the towns where they mined the asbestos used to play in it all day.
I think it around 10 to 15% came down with cancer and of course 50 years on pinpointing the cause is always problematic.
I made asbestos impregnated lagging for years when I was at college
Same plant made muffler bags for ships.
Sewn from asbestos impregnated cotton material then filled by hand with expanded asbestos which was made by cooking raw asbestos in a 44 gallon drum rotated over some burners.
Last get together all were alive & well.
Like a lot of things, asbestos is fatal to SOME people it is all in your genes .
s for the material make sure it is soft enough for hand powered braking systems
Car material made for hydraulic brakes will not work and you will find that out the "ouch" way
The linings are 1/8" thick. If you are going to arc them in, you may want to go with a little bit thicker material.
As for asbestos, my father worked in a boiler factory after the war. He said it was pretty much snowing asbestos all the time on the shop floor. He made it to 91 years old with no problems.
Very sorry to hear that Ian. No one should out live their kids. It seems that Asbestos is one of those things which has no effect on some people, but it can kill from just one grain.
At age 11 I helped my dad lag our 12' steam boiler with chicken wire and Asbestos Meal. Mixing it up with my hands with water in an old tin bath and smearing it all over the boiler. I thought it was great fun at the time:white_frowning_face: Ron
Yes it is strange stuff. As you said it effects some people and not others. I look back to the 60s and blowing out brake drums for years, it doesn't bear thinking about.