I make it the 153rd bike from 350 under contract C8574 in 1940, with census number C4381540.
Draganfly say that the W/NG census numbers were awarded against their engine numbers. I'm absolutely convinced that they're wrong about that....I have some evidence. Ron
Hi Ron, I arrived here because your message has been quoted on the Ariel club forum and anything written about W/NG on Draganfly's website will have been written by me! I always state that tank numbers were allocated at randomn within a contract and have never said that they were applied in engine number order. For contract numbers S 3,174, S 8,049 & S 6,520, S 8,574 I do say that "Tank numbers are listed beside each entry" because they are in this despatch book, these are all Navy contracts.
It is possible that there is an error on the wbsite, could you point out where it is so that I can ammend it.
Roger AOMCC mem sec and registrar, founder of Draganfly
Hello Roger, good to hear from you. I can't find that section on Drags site where I read about the census numbers being awarded to engine numbers. It was pointed out to me by another forum member (Vincent?)
Never the less it's worth debate. I was sent this itinerary of vehicles from some establishment or other which includes 5 W/NGs and 2 Jeeps. As you can see, it includes census/frame/engine number (and the drivers) I've cross referenced all of the W/NGs census numbers and they tally exactly with frame numbers as if worked out in sequence via O&M. Regards Ron