I have got to the point on my WD CO restoration of fitting the wiring loom but am not sure what to use to hold the wiring in place on the frame. Looking round at photos of restored bikes people seem to use tape, rubber straps, cable ties plus various other options. Period pics and some part lists note rubber straps. What would be correct and is there someone out who makes sells them ?
Nothing, nothing, but Nothing looks worse on a restored a motorcycle than zip lock cable ties. I don't just mean vintage/classic or WD bikes but ANY bike that has any pretentions to aesthetic appeal or engineering excellence. Time after time I see "Best in Show" bikes with these horrid plastic ties used, how can they win awards with those ugly ties.?
I use ziplocks where they do not show - because they work well and easy to put on and remove. Where they would show, you can cover up by putting one of those fiddly rubber ties over it. Some rubber ties are OK, but many seem to come out of a joke bag or made from liquorice!
Ditto Fergs comments...There's a place for cable ties if they are used discreetly and there's nothing wrong with them from an engineering standpoint....They are the 'go to' choice in the modern world after all...
I think the issue here is mainly about cosmetics....I've found the rubber cable ties from the Czech lads are pretty long lasting unlike many out there, and the alloy clips are pretty good....One of the forum members had these alloy clips replicated in thin, laser cut stainless and I bought a few off him...When bead blasted they replicate the alloy clips well and no corrosion....Ian
Agreed, zip lock ties work really well and are easy to fit/remove. I usually keep some in my tool kits for emergency repairs and also use them for all sorts of other jobs. My objections are purely on cosmetic grounds when used for securing cables and oil lines etc. Never thought of trying to hide them with rubber ties, maybe a bit bulky? I've not found the rubber ties I have bought at jumbles or on Ebay much use. I bought some good black painted alloy ties at Rufforth autojumble a while ago and they are very "period" looking. My local car spares shop keeps stainless ties, just the right size for bike use, I've bought some but not tried them yet.
The rubber ties I buy from Brit Bits are proper stretchy rubber. The ones usually for sale on ebay and jumbles are made of some stupid non stretch neoprene or something. Ron