I've started a new post for this so the other one doesn't go off topic again...
Lots of posts go off topic..Take a look at my recent post 'Who remembers this?' as a perfect example...It's not the end of the world and in fact one subject will often spark a discussion of something else...If I felt strongly about that deviation from the topic I could simply restate my question to bring it back to the subject....
If things become too personal that is usually pointed out and the discussion can go on...I think it's unreasonable that opinions are sensored using an arbitary set of criteria over which there is no control...
That sort of action, in my opinion, should only be reserved for the most extreme cases...Ian
Currently I am on around 8 BSA forums , 2 Rolls Royce forums , 11 mower / tractor / chain saw forums ( cause that is my living ).
I am currently banned from 2 of them where the moderators ( who appear highly USA patriotic ) have decided that when an Aussie goes off topic then he must be punished, particularly if he is not a USA worshiper or NRA supporter .
One banning came about because the ultra conservative forum softwear will not allow the word "dam" to be included in a post regardless of the use so apparently " a 3 letter word describing a hole in the ground containing water " was considered to be Disrespectful when we were talking about landscaping around a dam .
Shooting anti-Trump protestors was considered to be OK .
Anyway a thread should be allowed to go where it goes provided that it does not become abusive or liabilous
Much wisedom gets transferred this way and then there is the associative memory so the twaddle that gets posted becomes the memory link to the important information .
I used to moderate a BSA forum and in the 12 years I did it only one person got tossed off and only after protest from a good number of the forum members.
It was a shame because he had a lot of knowledge but just could not prevent himself being very abusive .
And perhaps twice a year I would have to split a thread because it had wandered so far off topic .
I agree! There will always be differing opinions on how to conduct a restoration, and in this case it was gone before I could voice mine. Grown men should be allowed to debate and even argue without being treated like school children.
It's been a noted concern of mine that these forums are flagging because of Facebook and this sort of censoring wont help. Ron
The attack was direct and pathetic.
I fully support the original poster, Who did not entertain any retaliation.
A wise man never enters a battle of wits, with an unarmed man.
I also believe the actions of Nick, were justified.
I found the initial reply to the original post on that thread to be impolite and I couldn't see a reason for it. The original question asked for information and didn't even mention what was to be done with the knowledge.
We've seen on here before how things can kick-off and in that case, whole threads were removed and information lost...Far better to remove the offending item I think and once it was gone the other replies were simply superfluous anyway as none of them dealt with the original question.
Personally, I'm quite happy for any incidence of unsolicited rudeness to be removed...It's not the end of the world in terms of 'censorship', no-one here has been denied a voice. The more threads on washer sizes the better, as far as I'm concerned. We can all decide what we want to do with that information.
No-one else jumped in to administrate and take over when Henk took a step backwards. It's for the new admins to define policy.
I never bothered to go back.
Went there to see if I could find some information about an old Kubota out front mower.
16 people God Blessed me & my family in their welcomed me but only 1 had any useful information.
Don't know much about US profanities & have enough trouble spelling English ones.
But it did take a while to work out why the forum kept on rejecting the post .
The internet is a big space so every ne should find their neich , God Bless them & their children .