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set of 4 steering stem yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Hi all,

I'm in urgent need of a set of 4 steering stem yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork. Yesterday I bought the bike and next week the bike is going to have an examination by the RDW (the Dutch equivalent of the DVLA) and I have some play on the front forks bushes. I know they had them at "De Groot" (see URL below), but they don't have them in stock anymore.... Any ideas how to get hold of a set asap?

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Re: set of 4 steering stem yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Maarten there is more than likely wear on the spindles also. In view of the immanent inspection, why don't you first try pinching up the through bolts and pump some heavy grease into the bushes. Ron

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Re: set of 4 steering stem yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

If the aim is purely to pass an inspection you could machine bushes from anything...Aluminium, nylon etc. etc...They could easily be changed afterwards...Ian

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Re: set of 4 steering stem yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Thanks for your top tips Ron and Ian, will try your suggestions first!

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Re: set of 4 steering stem yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Am I missing something or should there not be eight Bushes?

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Re: set of 4 steering stem yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

I think Maarten just wants to replace the worn ones for his vehicle inspection...Not the whole set...Ian

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Re: set of 4 steering stem yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

I'm in the States and bought mine from McMaster Carr. I designed insertion tools.

PM me and I'll send you the drawings and dimensions of the bushes.

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Re: Steering yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

BSA instructions say to drive out old bushes, insert new. Line ream for accuracy. I hope this will help.

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Re: Steering yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Robb I presume another 4 of the same bushes for the steering stem? I've removed them by screwing a suitable size coarse tap into the bush and drift out against the tap. Ron

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Re: Steering yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Ian has this covered in the techical section

Re: Steering yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Maybe someone could have mentioned it? I did Maarten a favor and this is your response?

Like perhaps Ian could have told Maarten he did a post in the technical section?

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Re: Steering yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Steady Robb...I've put a lot of things on the Technical Section over the years and even I had to take a look myself to see if it was me that was being referred to in Dave T's post...

I'm sure your efforts were appreciated by Maarten as you even provided a drawing and dimensions for a fitting tool, which I didn't....Ian

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Re: Steering yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Thanks Ian. I get weary of helping people and getting some cross remark.

Like you, I really love these machines and the history. I've spend decades
(like you) making mistakes, learning, gaining knowledge, collecting and digesting
information all so it doesn't vanish. I share whenever I can. It can drive me batty
when someone does not bother to read a manual, buy a book, or the proper tools.

This is also why I am writing my book which is a compilation of all the bits I know
or continually learn, such as the two fork lengths and spacer to make up the distance
for the mudguard. Years ago, Henk gave me permission to use whatever I needed to write,
and Hans has given me invaluable insights. Ron Pier is my reader and fact checker BTW.
I'd like you to help if you would. This is for posterity, not profit.

I have taught myself to re-lace & true wheels, build magnetos (and a re-magnetizer), and dynos.
The re-magnetizer has 30 pounds of #18 copper wire alone. I'm a lone wolf out here in
the States.

My very first "BIG" bike was an out of the crate REME reconditioned WD M20. Bought with
Israeli markings on the crate. All I knew was that it was a 500cc BSA. Good enough for
a kid right? I had no idea it would become a life long passion.

I sold it when I shipped out, and four years later, found it's sad hulk at a garage sale
hiding behind a 4x8 sheet of plywood. The title office confirmed I was the first USA owner!

I appreciate your kind words.

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Re: Steering yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Hi Ron, Gotta check the parts book mate! LOL

It's much easier to make a drift as I show and hammer them out.
Finding a tap, screwing that in, and then pounding away seems
like a total pile of work.

With the drift, you can remover AND install.

That's what the book sez anyway. Besides, I'm too lazy to work that hard.

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Re: Steering yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

I've just checked the parts book and the 4 bushes for the steering stem are the same. I have the concise WD M20 maintenance manual and strangely there is no mention of replacing the bushes??? Ron

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Re: Steering yoke bushes for my BSA M20 Webb front fork

Ok, that is new for me.... didn't know the worn bushes could be driven out with a drift like that.....Thought the forks had blind chambers for the bushes and the bush has to go out the way it went in.

Will check next time......I have used the 'coarse tap trick' which never let me down.

BR Michiel

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