Are reproductions of this data plate available? I have four holes in my rear mudguard that would suit one of these plates exactly. Were they ever actually ever put on there? My bike is a 1940 BSA M20 but it would be possible the fender is from another year. I have almost all of the bike but in pieces and am slowly getting it back together. Before I have the rear mudguard painted, I'd like to see if I need to fill those holes or not. Thanks!
I guess he means the contract plate...? These were indeed rivetted to the rear mudguard on the later (approximately 1942 onwards) contracts. On the earlier contracts they were rivetted to the numberplate (approximately 1940) or triangular light bracket (approximately 1941).
The 4 holes are 2.5 inches wide by 1.062 inches high. Would that suit the plate you speak of? Are these plates available anywhere? The holes are drilled and not deburred on the back, looks like they may have been drilled in a hurry or somewhat careless. Any ideas?
Thanks for the replies, I think I'll just leave the holes just in case I come across one of those plates. Heck, maybe I'll just make a brass plate stating the year and model just for fun.