1943/44 Royal Enfield WD/CO 350 exhaust valve lifter
Hi all,
The exhaust valve lifter is completely missing from my recently purchased bike. Could someone kindly post a picture of how this mechanism attaches to the engine so that I can understand what I need to find please?
If anyone has the required parts available for sale I would be very interested.
Re: 1943/44 Royal Enfield WD/CO 350 exhaust valve lifter
Hi Martin
All of the parts are available from Hitchcocks Motorcycles.
Look at their online parts page with the engine parts/cylinder etc on it, items 44,45,46 plus gasket 12 will be needed for the valve cover. They also have the lifter cables if you don't have one, item 6 on the cable page.
Re: 1943/44 Royal Enfield WD/CO 350 exhaust valve lifter
Hi both,
Thanks for this, I'm getting familiar with the Hitchcock site, very useful.
But, excuse my unfamiliarity with the bike as I've not had it very long, where exactly does the cable connect into the engine the actuate the valve lifter mechanism?
I'm sure it's very simple but it's eluding me at the minute.
Re: 1943/44 Royal Enfield WD/CO 350 exhaust valve lifter
The cable enters the rear of the tappet chest through a hole behind the magdyno. The cable has a return spring on it which is between the valve lifter and the rear of the tappet chest. It's all a bit fiddly but definitely doable without stripping anything off. Ron
Re: 1943/44 Royal Enfield WD/CO 350 exhaust valve lifter
Tips for fitting!
Remove the central tappet cover post, and fit the cable with spring to the valve lifter before you fit the valve lifter pivot pin.....Which is just a push fit and finally held in place by a corresponding divot in the cover. Ron
Re: 1943/44 Royal Enfield WD/CO 350 exhaust valve lifter
I too have a '43 WD/CO that I bought without the cable and have ridden for 15 + years. Didn't know it was missing until I had to change out some cables and told Baxters to send me all the cables for the bike. What exactly is its purpose? Thanks
Re: 1943/44 Royal Enfield WD/CO 350 exhaust valve lifter
The nipple came off my WD/CO valve lift cable last year. Until I procured another cable I was still able to start the engine, but I did still get it over compression with the kickstart before swinging the engine into life. I was much happier once the new cable was fitted though. Ron