Good Morning I have a lucas electric horn type HF 1140 It clicks when horn button pushed but no loud bark. It looks like it has 2 adjustments does anyone know how to adjust it and or does it need remagnatizing and can this be done ? Thank you all for your help Charlie
My 1235 horn was seemingly shorted. What I found was the contact points were together. This means the magnet was energized.
The way the horn works is you need a gap between the points. That gap is set by an adjusting screw. When the electro magnet is energized it pull the points apart and you loose the electro magnet. With you still holding the button The electromagnet is energized again over and over again as long as you hold the bottom.
You said you get a click.
You may need to clean your points and or adjust the screw. Just remember if the magnet stays energized you will burn it up.
Me, I would take it apart and repair it on the bench. You will have to fiddle with how many paper gaskets to use to get you in the ballpark for fine adjustment.
I gave up on the paper and used copper washers to set the distance.
Have you taken your horn apart and cleaned up the points? The shins are just a stack of gaskets to aid in fine tuning. Don’t get sidetracked. If your horn makes a click and you have not taken it apart and cleaned up the insides start with that. Then try the adjusting screw. It varies the gap between the points. Once it gets making a noise continue to adjust.
Good Luck