While lighting the kitchen fire recently I came across this article in the Daily Express from 22nd January regarding the proposal to build a D-Day theme park.
A D-Day theme park and circus - how disrespectful is that? Apparently it is the idea of the French President, is he a moron? I've not seen any mention of it on this forum or anywhere else but perhaps others are aware of it. Surely we need to put forward our objections as a responsible and hopefully respected group. There was a petition which has now ended, maybe individual letters of ojection would have some influence but I don't know where these could be sent.
Disgusting and disrespectful...Frankly, on previous trips to Normandy I've found that the situation at St. Mere Eglise is already getting out of hand and the whole thing up there is a bit of a 'circus' with modern bike clubs, vintage vehicles etc. etc....
As the French generally seem to favour the American involvement more than ours one can only hope that if this comes to pass they'll put it in that area...Personally I find the concept of turning the events around D Day, where thousand of soldiers and civilians lost their lives beyond comprehension....Macron is an idiot...Ian
It won't be many more years before there are no Normandy veterans at all...I've been lucky enough to be there many times with my Dad , who dropped from a ramp at Asnelles later in June, having towed a Mulberry section across...I have to say that his greatest pleasure is seeing the cafés open and families playing on the beach at Arromanches. Who are we to say that France should be preserved in aspic ?
My maternal grandfather was an RSM with 5 Div who fought his way up the nastiest part of Italy...He could laugh with the D-Day Dodger epitaph...but as a pre-war Aldershot Command boxing champion, he'd have knocked anyone down who said that kids shouldn't play on the beach...
These men surely fought for the freedom to play and laugh, without the fear of death from above. Life goes on, and we have our own challenges, without worrying abut the Daily Express or Mail stoking up faux nationalism.
I don't think anyone here would suggest kids shouldn't play on the beaches....and no one could realistically expect Normandy or anywhere else to be preserved as it was during the war...
However, reducing the memory of what happened there to the level of a theme park and circus, to my mind, is tipping the balance too far in the opposite direction...
How about 'Invasion of Normandy' crazy golf or the '10,000 died so we could have a fun day out' amusement park...
Personally I don't like it and feel it's inappropriate....That's my view....Ian
It seems a pretty tawdry idea to me.
It also reminds me that here in Oz, a while back a dingbat politician floated the idea of a local Gallipoli theme park of some kind.
We live in a capitalistic part of the world where accruing the biggest pile of money is supposed to be ahead of taste and common sense.
The movie and gaming industry doesn't always put historical fact above sensationalism so why should the tourist sector, and if these things catch the eye of the younger generations it may even help to keep memories alive.
I admit that when I go to Normandy my priority is to have a good time first, I sometimes put raspberry tartlets and vin before history, although I do try to do both.
As in most things different people draw the line in different places....I don't imagine I'll be booking up for the D Day theme park if it comes to pass and hopefully, in my opinion, it won't.....
For those that like the idea it'll be something to do on a wet day in Normandy....Ian
Hmmm, kinda odd 'problem' (in the face of the current pandemic) , I thought it was already made into a ad hoc theme park by reenactors from all sides. Pot calling the kettle black ?