The tools you will require are as follows...Clutch sleeve extractor, Clutch spring compressor tool (if you have the single spring clutch fitted), Magneto pinion extractor, Crankshaft pinion puller (not mentioned often but very handy)...
Also useful...The tool to do up the clutch spring nut(single spring), the tool to tighten the crankshaft shock absorber nut.
I also regard as highly desirable..The electronic 'gizmo' that tells you when the contact breakers are just opening...I find that far more accurate than alternative methods...
A tool to fit the rear stand spring greatly helps remove a danger to life and limb when carrying out that job...
The clutch sleeve extractor and mag pinion puller are readily available from various sources...There are shock absorber nut tools on e bay...The electronic gizmo for determining the contact breaker opening point can also be found on the 'tinternet.
You will probably need access to some engineering facilities to produce the rest...Ian