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Tonight's the night....

At 12 oclock we will wave goodbye to Ian, Ron, Horror and all the others.
Will we ever meet again ?

Re: Tonight's the night....

We will dust off our red coats with brass buttons, take up our muskets and start to reclaim all the pink parts again. :smile: Ron

email (option):

Re: Tonight's the night....

It's best not to let politics get in the way of a friendship...:laughing: ...Ian

email (option):

Re: Tonight's the night....

The UK is still lagging behind because they leave at 11.00 pm:joy: :joy: :joy:

email (option): leonhop3_at_planet_dot_nl

Re: Tonight's the night....

Ian Wright
It's best not to let politics get in the way of a friendship...:laughing: ...Ian
Absolutely, politics AND religion should not be discussed when the far more important topic of motorcycles is in hand.

Re: Tonight's the night....

You don't get rid of me that easily though Michel :slightly_smiling_face:

I wonder if there will be shortages of WD motorycle parts in the UK ? Most of the good stuff seems to be made in Belgium and The Netherlands these days...

Re: Tonight's the night....

At 12 oclock we will wave goodbye to Ian, Ron, Horror and all the others.
Will we ever meet again ?
It was nice knowing you all.... I guess we'll never be allowed to visit Europe again :grinning:

I think I'm going to Europe more this year than ever before :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

email (option):

Re: Tonight's the night....

Oh my,
I have so many chums in Europe, please don’t think I am leaving you !
Let the politicians talk things to death, we know what matters,
Friendships forged over whatever boundaries are friendships forever.
Whilst no longer in the EU, I will always help our brothers and sisters from wherever they call,
Nothing changes but the paperwork they make us complete. 😍😍😍😍

email (option): d.wrudd at

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