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Hi all Were all pre war m20 & m21 forks of deluxe specification or was the solid top versions also available from factory Best regards Jo’b
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Hi John, AFAIK the whole the prewar M-types range from M19-M24 had the rubbermounting. But in 1939 a M20 'Standard' was listed: no tankpanel, small headlamp and solid top-yoke, but the yoke looks a little different than the one were used too. Think the solid yoke we all know came in 1941 BR Michiel
Hi Seems that for some reason forks on '39 Standard M20 come from B series. Kalle
email (option): kalle.tikas{ät}
Yes, think your right, Kalle. But not the exact fork as it has a different parts number. Looks like basically a B-series fork but with central M-type mudguard mushroom attachment. Anyway, much to flimsy for an M20 :smiley:
Thank you Michiel & kalle Now I begin search for another rubber mount top for my latest purchase 😱😱😀 Br Jo’b