I have only been part of this wonderful website since October and have received some really useful help and information from members. But one topic I find the most interesting is the debate about bike history and originality and whether this can ever be reconciled so far from when these machines were used in anger. Which brings me to the $64000 question, does anyone have photographic evidence that shows that a bike they have or know of are one and the same or can this never be known.
I'd love a period photo of my own bike as I'm sure we all would....I'm the third owner of my M20 since it was demobbed and I know the other two, one of whom has now passed away, so I know it's history in detail since demob...I think even that is probably fairly unusual....Ian
For most of the war, WD serial numbers can be definitely linked to frame numbers. However, the number of images showing a clear number is quite low (especially early-war as it was only painted on the left hand side).
I have a pretty extensive collection of Norton WD photos and a fair number of M20, catalogued bu WD serial number but I haven't had a match to date. Sharing the Frame and Engine number with Henk for his register (or Rob van den Brink) in the case of Nortons is the best way to increase the chance that if a photo turns up, a link might be made.
Despite a lack of photos, I'm pretty confident of the history of my ex-BEF Norton which still had original markings indicating 2nd Infantry Division (who were only in Europe in 1939/40) and the '1' on blue of Headquarters, Royal Engineers...They only had an establishment of 4 x motorcycles of which three were issued to 'Pioneers as motorcyclist Orderlies'...Regrettably the War Diaris don't mention the fate of any of them.
I have about 500 BSA WM20 photos with a clear tank number but no match yet with the present. Please keep sending these war time photos with bike with clear tank numbers.
Here a photo of Joe and his BSA in France. It would be interesting to find out where this location is. At least we have his tank number :+1:
I can tell you that '919' on blue indicated 873 Mechanical Equipment Company, Royal Engineers which was a 21st Army Group asset...Photo must be somewhere between Normandy and Belgium.:grinning:
His job would have been escorting the movement of heavy construction equipment.
Henk, have you made an Excel list linking serial to frame numbers ? It would be interesting too to get an idea of how many of an armoured division provost's motorcycles survived on to the post-war lists.
I didn't copy it from the book, I had it from an other source. If they don't want it on the forum page I'll remove it a.s.a.p.
I knew you have your own copy Henk which is fine. But I would have had to copy it from their book which I didn't want to do. But the book is a must anyway for anyone with an interest in WD motorcycles. Ron:+1:
Chaps, I have no issue with anyone using info from the book for the purpose of further research and discussion, and especially welcome on this fine international Forum that benefits everybody.......
I have only been part of this wonderful website since October and have received some really useful help and information from members. But one topic I find the most interesting is the debate about bike history and originality and whether this can ever be reconciled so far from when these machines were used in anger. Which brings me to the $64000 question, does anyone have photographic evidence that shows that a bike they have or know of are one and the same or can this never be known.