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Taff the Horn.

Hi all,

I guess that most of the forum members will know Taff? I bought a horn from him years ago, and in the parts section was looking for a nut and bolt. I sent Lynn an email tonight, and got a reply back straight away. It said that he has had a stroke, and wouldn't be able to help. I thought that I sould inform members. Hope that he gets better soon.


email (option):

Re: Taff the Horn.

That's bad news. There is no other enthusiast for older horns who comes anywhere near him...Best wishes for a full recovery.

Re: Taff the Horn.

That's strange. I've had an email conversation with him today about Clearhooters. He didn't mention it. Hope he gets better soon.


email (option):

Re: Taff the Horn.

Hi Ron,

This is the email that I got this evening, it's all I know.

Sorry, Taff/Lynn has just had a stroke & cannot help

Sent from Mail for Windows 10


email (option):

Re: Taff the Horn.

thanks Dave for we know
i hope good healthy to him very soon

email (option):

Re: Taff the Horn.

Glad to hear that you have got fixed up with the horn part, but I'm so sorry to hear about Taff, lets hope he makes a full and speedy recovery, he has helped me several times with parts and information, always so enthusiastic and knowledgable.
I still live east of Leeds near the A1, and it was a long way to Halifax speedway in Dads mini cooper before the days of the M62! I've just dug out the remains of a Halifax Dukes programme(from 1966!) that was stuck to the garage wall along with a rosette of Eric Boocock, unfortunately both damaged by damp.

Best Wishes, Tony

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