Someone on another site pointed out an interesting Norton 16H currently listed on eBay at £8500! Well, it IS very shiny. Have a look at the view of the nearside fork. Welded link? Spindle nut about to make a bid for freedom?
Lovely..It hasn't run since that exhaust and head were painted and only has 74 miles on the clock anyway...I'm sure it will be reliable though...
Or over on the BSA pages you can have an ex Manchester Council plunger M21 in the wrong colour for the same price...:laughing: ..Ian
Lots of speculators around, all on to the creaking roundabout.
Hope it breaks soon because its getting very silly.
There has been some chat on the Marston Sunbeam FB page and another concerning the very high mark ups of bikes noticable for being sold a couple weeks back at Stafford.
What a shame - it leaves a lot to be desired doesn't it. Not even the footrest spacer on the exhaust side is correct as it is the one that should be on the chaincase side - if he had only let me know I have some spare.
A lot of money for a machine that still requires a lot of attention to get it right or at least closer to being right.
The near side bottom girder fork link would certainly concern me after hitting a few of our significant holes in the road network.
Bet that is an Indian fork, castings on top end of the forks look way too thick. That also would explain the broken link..... what a rubbish!
I compared the fork with some other forks and it is hard to see from pictures so can't proof these are Indian, so better reject that and leave the Norton marque to the Norton specialists ...:slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: