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Engine / gearbox plates

Hello All,
The engine / gearbox plates were pretty roughed up when I stripped the bike. I drew these up and had them laser cut, hopefully they’ll fit!
I’ll let you know how I go on when I get to that point.

Re: Engine / gearbox plates

That is nice, Gino

Did you use the correct thickness? We also looked to cut them but the correct thickness was not easily available in the Netherlands

BTW the shape in not fully correct for the WD, maybe you had a later type as model with a center stand?

This is the correct shape:


I did draw the front engine plates, still a few left if someone here is looking for a set.


BR Michiel

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Re: Engine / gearbox plates

Thanks Michiel,

The bike was indeed fitted with a centre stand when I bought it. It also has lugs at the rear for a main stand (one of which is broken)as well. I'm in the process of re-fitting the rear stand and don't plan to replace the centre stand.

Additionally, for a centre stand to be used with these plates they will require bolstering in the area where the stand bolt is fitted.

The plate thickness I have used is 5mm, the originals appear to be 3/16", it doesn't really cause too much of a problem for me as I'll be making new spacers to suit - the bike had some bits of plastic pipes fitted as spacers when I bought it, believe it or not :astonished:


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