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M20 Sump plate

Afternoon all

Ive got a probLem with my sump leaking. I have replaced the gaskets and used a good quality sealant but it still leaks. I have even sanded the sump plate on wet and dry on a mirror to make sure its flat. Oil seems to be getting around the threads. Any pearls of wisdom ?



Re: M20 Sump plate

Take out the studs and and screw them back in with a light threat lock...loctite or similar

Re: M20 Sump plate

This time round my M20's leaking badly around the sump plate studs.
What's the idea of removing & replacing the studs? They're blind threads in the crankcase.

Re: M20 Sump plate

I've come to the conclusion, that despite using sealant on the gaskets, the oil will capillary sideways through the mesh filter. I always sandwich the mesh between the gaskets and make sure that a bead of sealant penetrates the mesh between the gaskets. Ron

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Re: M20 Sump plate

['They're blind threads in the crankcase...']..

They do break through on some crankcases...Ian

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Re: M20 Sump plate

Thanks for these replies.
Ron, I'll be using a gasket on either side of the mesh & working sealant into the holes in the mesh as you describe. I think I might try Hylomar gel this time around?
Ian, thanks for the info on the studs. I just looked at a spare crankcase which has blind holes. It makes obvious sense to have open threads sealed properly. In peoples experience, is it hard to remove these studs with the motor in the bike?

Re: M20 Sump plate

Scraping the crud away, I've had a better look at my crankcase casting & the left front stud hole runs into the interior. I might redo that one come oil change day. Judging by this example no other holes could be open on any similar casting, which I presume means all of them?

Re: M20 Sump plate

I did this with the motor in the bike. One stud had iffy threads and would not work with the 2 nuts method.
I had to weld a nut on the stud and got it out that way.
4 new studs and seal on all threads and no more leaks. 2 years.


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Re: M20 Sump plate

Thanks for that Baz. I'll have a go soon.

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