In three weeks I will be traveling to France to enjoy the 75th anniversary of the landing.
I wanted to ask you about a store where i can get British Army uniforms and gear to buy and dress for this event.
Thanks in advance!
You've left it quite late, Luis...and you don't say what level of accuracy you're looking for. The most authentic are not going to be obtainable on such a tight time-scale though.
From overseas, WPG (What Price Glory) in the US might be worth trying (they will send to European addresses too but customs often delay things). They do a cotton ('denim') battledress style overall which many troops wore in warmer weather or for rough work...probably more comfortable than the woollen battledress if you're not used to the feel of it.
I've dealt with both SOF and WPG and they're both efficient and reliable to deal with...the trouble with both their offerings in terms of battledress though is that they have a modern cut with low waisted trousers for that 'belly over the waistband' look so favoured my the modern man whereas in the 1940s the habit was to cut the trouser over the belly (not that many had one !)
There are over 6 militaria markets in Normandy, and sometimes very good deals can be made, so maybe that's an option? Just bring enough euro's, and research what exactly you are looking for.
Ron, Rik, Lex thank you for the quick reply.
Years ago i buy some gear in SOF , but the shipping to Argentina is High.
And my body have some extra pounds today .... :(
Need Gaiters, Braces , Collarless Shirt , British Scrim Scarf , Airborne Beret.
I wanted buy directly in a market there in normandy. May be high cost but no shipping .
I know of several dealers who only go to Normandy to buy cheap stuff, so you can have really good deals there, I Always do!
Here a list of all the markets I know of, but check beforehand, the French are notorious for changing dates at the last minute, all the local clubs are in a fight amongst themselves, hence the high number of markets, where you will usually see the same guys selling, but you never know, i have found good stuff even at the last one, so you can never be sure.
Would be nice though, if they could get their shit together, and only have 2 big markets during the time.
Militaria fairs Normandy 2019
Place Date Day Address
-Picauville 1 June saturday Salle J.C Flambart (rue Marcel Rachine)
-Grandcamp Maisy 2 June sunday On ringroad in/outside sportshall
-Vierville s. Mer 2 June sunday Opposite church in meadow
-Ste Mere Eglise 3 June monday Centre, cattlemarket
-Ecauseville 5 June wednesday Hangar dirigeables (big airship hangar)
-Carentan 7 June friday Marché aux bestiaux (route Américaine)
-Ste Marie du Mont 8 June saturday 9h-17h Esplanade du stade
Hope this helps,
email (option): welbike@welbi**.net (think about this!)