I have replaced my original Rear Wheel bearings with the Bearing: no.30204.Both drive side and non drive side have been replaced.
I quickly realized that the newer bearings are the correct OD and ID however are much thicker.
Can someone tell me the correct "new" thickness the thrust washers should be? I assume the right thing to do here is skim the thrust washers down to make up for the new modern bearing height?
I have tried measuring the difference between the new and old bearing however its not so easily done...
Also, is it possible that different brands of metric bearing number 30204 have different bearing heights?
Brandon the information that I have is that the assembled height of the original bearings = 14mm. The 30204 bearing assembled height = 15.25mm so a difference of 1.25mm (aprox 0.050") So about 50 thou' needs to be removed from each thrust ring. ie a finished size of 0.105"-0.110" (2.667-2.794mm) is required. A slight variation can be compensated by bearing adjustment. Ron
Yep I read that somewhere as well. But it's not enough! Get your thrust washers to the sizes I quoted should work. As long as your 30204 comply with the 15.25mm measurement. Ron
The original bearing is not manufactured any more, so any stock that companies are carrying are old stocks which they know of the rarity. Hence having bought them in the recent past at £15 each for chaps to use, I find the same companies offering them to me at £75 plus, which is a joke and I would not entertain them.
The 30204 metric tapered roller bearing is a popular range bearing that will never go out of fashion and will always be available. So worth using as once the alteration to the spacing is made, it will be easy to get anywhere. As for prices, an awful lot depends on the quality of the bearing supplied in this case though, affecting the cost as follows:
A Chinese bearing of suspect quality, I could sell at £3.50 each, you takes your chances :grimacing:
A decent Japanese bearing Nachi, Koyo, NTN etc, would sell at £5.00 each good quality, no drama's
If you want to stay with Timken, price would be £7 each. Widely acknowledged as the best tapered roller bearing Company.