I’ve fitted new roller bearings, timing and drive side, in a B33. I used standard clearance bearings and after fitting the outer races in the cases the inner race & rollers are a very tight fit. I think I may have a set of crankcases that have not been attacked to any great extent over the past 70 years! Now I am assuming that I do need C3 bearings (should have remembered to order them in the first place!). :face_with_rolling_eyes:
I do have a timing side bearing in C3, however…. It has a steel cage rather than the brass caged version that I have always used in the past. Is it possible, or advisable, to use a steel caged bearing (a friend goes all cold and sweaty at the mere idea!) for this application? I understand the brass cage is preferable but what do you think? Also if brass is the way to go does anyone know where I can get them and is there a specific code that should be specified when ordering to ensure that a brass cage is provided? I seem to remember reading that SKF are the only people supplying brass cages now. Is that correct?
As an aside, here is a picture of a bearing installed in an engine for me some time ago by a professional. It appears to be an NJ305-E. Are these at all suitable? Polyamide cage, supposedly higher load (the -E part)?
I took it out as, apart from anything else, it was so installed that the oil flinger was rubbing on the outer race and shedding swarf into a newly build engine! :rage:
Well Pete, you seem to know what you are doing. I think you can get away with standard fit bearings if your cases have lost some of their interfearance as with my M33. If yours are tight then you will have to fit the C3 clearance types. You say your oil flinger is rubbing on the outer bearing race, if this is the case then you need to check the thickness of the spacer between the bearings. This spacer when the shocker nut is done up tight holds the crankshaft central to the cylinder bore and also gives clearance for the oil flinger plate. I think this spacer from memory should not be less than one inch.
The oil flinger was only rubbing on the bearing race with the NJ305 installed by someone else in a B31 engine. That problem was fixed a long time ago.
The main bearing spacer should be 1.000"-1.005"....The oil flinger should be flat and unworn on the faces that sit between the bearing inner and the crankshaft 'face'....
Bearings with the plastic cages do take a higher load as the dimensionally smaller cage creates the space for an extra roller (at least in RHP versions)...
I've been advised there's nothing to choose between steel and brass bearing cages. Peoples enthusiasm for the brass cages is based entirely on what was original and therefore supposedly 'best'...I'm not an expert on bearing cage design but I consulted an RHP design engineer on this one and I guess he knew what he was talking about...Ian
You are quite correct Ian, not much in it between steel and brass cages.
It is certainly not the case that SKF are the only firm to do brass caged these days.
There are a few who still do them but be careful. There are many Chinese (crap) brands which use brass as standard and I would avoid these.
If you have any problems at all, drop me an email and I will try to help.
My business for the last 35 years has been selling bearings and power transmission products, so I should be able to answer any specific questions that you have issues with.
That goes for anyone on here, I will always try to help and advise. www.john-Fenwick.co.uk