I have an excellent set of matching M21 crankcases, or so I thought. Upon stripping the cases I noticed the area where the mag seal fits is worn out of round. I see a REME modification would most likely be the easier fix on that one. However pulling the crank out I found one of the main bearings had brass shim around the outer surface as the bearing is loose in the crankcase. Obviously welding and boring the case would be expensive and finding someone to do it near impossible (West Australia) so I guess they are now mantle piece exhibits, unless someone has any suggestions. I wouldn't think Loctite would not last due to heat and a single thumper hammering away, the bearing is a fall in fall out fit.
Speedy Sleeve should get you out of trouble.
On the bearing, not the cases.
Davcon might also work but you will need to have the bearing supported true to the cases till it sets.