Hi I have this wooden chest. There are some remnants of the paper that was glued on the lid. It says: " Chests tool MT complete with tools MOTOR CYCLE.
There's no date on the wood.
Some one seen this before?
Asked it on the DR facebook group and they directed me to this forum!
That is very nice, I have been putting together the set of tools that goes in it for a number of years, any chance you could give me some measurements, and does it have a date on it, it could be burnt into the bottom or into the end grain of the bottom boards?
I'm not sure, a workshop would have a variety of different chests for different jobs, there was also a "CHEST, TOOL FILLED MOTORCYCLE ARTIFICERS SMALL", and "CHEST, TOOL FILLED FITTERS" some of the tools were the same in each one, the size of the Workshop or perhaps the type of vehicles it dealt with may have resulted in a certain issue, maybe the smaller sets were issued to individual fitters attached to other units? I'm yet to see any written evidence.
But until now the only description I had seen of this box without contents was, "18663 M/Cycle Artificers large, to W.D. design and spec", which was quite unhelpful, I had found a flat WD carpenters chest to use which it now appears was completely wrong.