My RE WD/CO is turned into a civil machine after the war. Therefore the pannier rack lacks the mounting lugs to mount the pannier frames at.
Would anybody on this forum be so kind to send me some detailed photographs of these lugs and the exact position on the pannier rack so I can reproduce them myself.
It's quite simple Bas. There are four 'L' shaped brackets made from 3/4" flat bar to space the panniers frames off the carrier by about 1/2" If you mount the rear brackets to the forward edge of the rear cross tube as shown in this picture, then mount the front brackets to suit the holes in the pannier frames. Ron
Thanks for your reply. I understand that once I have the rear 2 lugs in the correct position it's easy to line up the other ones. But what would be the right starting position?
Indeed those parts list illustrations do look different Bas. But here is the WD/CO carrier that is fitted to my WD/G which is nearly identical and this factory picture looks the same. I wonder if the carriers were modified so that a pillion seat can be installed. Maybe Jan can throw some light? Ron
Yes indeed, and that's an illustration from my document on the WD Royal Enfields, Part 2 page 42, that Bas posted. On the next page (page 43 to be precise) I wrote this: "It wasn’t until the November 1944 parts catalogue for WD/CO contract S/1546 however that Enfield used the correct drawing in its parts lists!"