A long-shot I know, but does anyone have, or know where I can get, plans for WW2 sidecars? I have decided that, due to problems with my leg, I can't continue to use my 1940 WM20 as a solo. I can probably work something out from photos, but I would prefer to get it right if I'm going to do it.
Stuart Bray's flat-topped passenger bodies are a parody. I'm just not quite sure what of. Maybe a late 1960s Dneipr but even that is pushing it a bit. Better to spray the bike black and put a 1950s Watsonian on it. It would then portray a rather forgotten aspect of social history. Most of our bikes spent more years in 'mufti'.
Scorp, the only sidecar that was officially fitted to war-time M20's was the Swallow model 8. I think I'm right in saying that they were all ordered by the RAF. The same swallow model 8 was also fitted to 16H's, again for the RAF. The only difference being, that BSA used the Swallow chassis and Norton used their own chassis.
These Swallow model 8's are near impossible to find (steel sheet over a wooden frame) But the Variable Pitch Propeller Co, made a near identical lightweight sidecar in post war years (Aluminium) called a VP Viper......Again hard to find. I had one of these fitted to my 16H, the sidecar is now owned by a Dutch forum member. Another forum member has made perfect replica wooden Model 8 frames, I don't know if he still has one or prepared to make more? Ron
Scorpion, I have a prewar Swallow sidecar and chassis to sell. It is not a model 8 but quite similar in appearance. It’s quiye solid but will need some work. Email me if you are interested and I will send you some photos.
Cheers John