I have started the draining the oil ect and need advise on the oil tank filter
Is it best to replace the filter or shelve it and fit a magnet in the oil tank ? or is it possible to to remove the wadding and replace this keeping the wire frame /
Hi Raymond,
Theres lots of posts about if you search but the choice is down to you.
Lots of people don’t use the filter at all and prefer to replace the oil more frequently, typically at the beginning of the spring as most lay them up over winter.
Others just run with some of those strong neodymium magnets in the tank, and some go the whole hog, clean/replace the filter, drop some magnets and monitor the oil quality.
Personally I will be changing fairly frequently as my engine will be completely rebuilt before, but thats a whole different topic!!
I change my sae 50 oil every 1000mls and wash the felt filter out with petrol and leave to dry...now completed 20,000 trouble free miles in 20years (apart from the odd exhaust valve!)
Baza 57
I run SAE40 most of the time with an SAE 50 in hot summers (so not that often:laughing: )...
I haven't run with an oil filter for years but did start off with an internally spotless rebuilt engine. I change the oil every 2000 miles....I've owned the M20 for 38 years...
It's also worth remembering to drain and change the oil in the gearbox every so often as well...BSA recommend engine oil for the 'box and I've always used a 40 or 50 without any problems. However, if you don't have a sealed main gearbox bearing fitted check the gearbox oil level (very) frequently to avoid running low through leakage..I recommend every 250-300 miles max....Ian
i do have the old filter , and may do as you do , wash it with petrol and do the regular oil change
I do have another question if any one can advise
I still have the old black battery which i have now hollowed out with the intentions of putting a modern battery inside it.
can any one recommend the type of modern battery small enough to fit inside , i will not be using the bike in darkness so the only power used will be for the brake light and horn for safety reasons
I've used these Cyclon dry cell batteries in all my bikes for years. They are available in 5 and 8 amp and two 5 amp or one 8 amp battery will fit inside a repro battery case. But I've found that a 5 amp is more than adequate for a mag bike. They last for years without any maintenance. You can search for cheaper options. I must have bought over 30 off Mick Ash at the jumbles over the years and currently his are 20 Quid.
I can now start with the recommission of the bike and hopefully get in running , it has been standing for over 10 years so i may come across other issues .