That is indeed a Norton 16H. I have quite a lot of photos and always looking for more. This photo is taken during the liberation of Groningen (Holland) April 1945.
All forum and website photos are digitally available, usually they are quite a bit bigger then they are when used on the forum and website.
The current website photo is taken in 1945 in Belgium. The dispatch rider in that photo is Joe Hodgson, Joe is still around and he will be 97 years old on the 21st of December 2018.
Great pic
There were many photos published at our WD Forum of the 1st Armoured Polish Division ( gen. Maczek's)
Where I can find them? Please help
Thanks in advance
greets from Poland
They are 'Universal Carriers' The plug in the front panel is for the starting handle (please save us from ever having to use it:white_frowning_face: ) The first one at least, has a special basket on the glacis plate for extra equipment. Ron
Thanks Ron, I thought that's what it was but with all the kit piled up front and the soldier leaning in front of the gunners
position it looked a bit different.
The 'CC' on the front mudguard of the Norton, indicates that they are Canadians. The carriers look like MK2's. My own carrier is a Canadian Mk2* from 1944, so could even be one of these......Although unlikely in the grand scheme of things. The starting handle for these is nearly 6 feet long to reach the V8 engine in the back.:smile: :smiley: Ron
Nice job on the carrier Ron. I hate to think of the torque on that starting crank. I don't even like them when they right at the engine like on my old pipeline welder.
The first thing I noticed about this photo is that everyone has a smile on their face (except for the guy leaning against the carrier). After all their trials through the war, they have something to celebrate.