This full page advert is from "THE MOTOR CYCLE" 16th March 1950. Below is a closer view of the above advert,the bike is a late model with lighting switch under the saddle,plus an air cleaner. NAYLOR & ROOT also supplied a WNG for a trip to South Africa,during 1950,bike has a few mods. The battery has been moved,and the air cleaner has been fitted facing the wrong way.
If you are referring to the item at the back of the bike it is the exhaust pie, presumably to aid deep water river crossings. The hood would keep rain water flooding they pipe while the engine was off. I notice on the advert, somebody has used a blue Biro to what the bike would look like in polychromatic blue....... :joy:
This should have been the closer up view of the NAYLOR&ROOT WNG,the advert describes them as never been used,which is nearly five years after the end of the war?,CWL 246 and KYU 516 (trip to South Africa)don't show up on DVLA website. It looks like they used the original WD tail light on the civilian number plate,the trip to South Africa could have been reported in later 1950 issues of the MOTOR-CYCLE.