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Royal Wedding

Not many posts today; everybody watching the Royal Wedding ??:joy:

Re: Royal Wedding

I watched a bit of it, apparently along with 1.9 billion other people, not sure how they know that?

Hope it didn't cause any traffic problems for those attending Kempton.


email (option): robmiller11(a)

Re: Royal Wedding

My wife and mother were up at 2am (California time) to watch:expressionless:

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Re: Royal Wedding

Traffic was unusually light for Kempton and back. Lots stayed indoors I guess to watch it on TV. I haven't seen any of the wedding yet but personally I love all the British pomp and circumstance. Windsor is one of my favorite towns which I've visited from the river on numerous occasions. Ron

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Re: Royal Wedding

The fastest trip to Kempton I have ever done. Some of the stalls were missing including Paul Goff who is always there. But not when I needed to buy something today. A lot of the bike stands were empty in the show hall.

Re: Royal Wedding

A good day for :zzz:

Re: Royal Wedding

Despite the presence of many police, community police & Road closures - our village survived “weddageddon” yesterday

But just in case I rode the war horse to kempton park yesterday

We had expected considerably more disruption -


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Re: Royal Wedding

Nope, not me!
I was sat in the garden soaking up the sun and building my front wheel, listening to a bit of music..
Cold beer, missus at work, perfect day!!😎😎

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Re: Royal Wedding

I can think of nothing more boreing and a bigger waste of time than watching 2 people getting married who I don't know and frankly don't care about.
Kings & queens are fairly well irrelivant now days and all the TV hype is one of the reasons I don;t watch TV.

I really though most people give up playing kings & queens about the age of 10.

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Re: Royal Wedding

You miserable lot, it made a lot of people very happy, and they can't all share my hobby, there aren't enough Military motor cycles to go around.

And I learned something from the coverage which will probably have a bearing on this hobby, the E Type Jaguar driven by the happy couple later in the day which had been converted to an Electric power train, its something I have been wondering about for a while, old vehicles continued value and purpose is reliant on them having a future post oil, the idea of an electric M20 or Welbike sounds quite feasible to me.


email (option): robmiller11(a)

Re: Royal Wedding

I managed to avoid it by going out for a ride for most of the day and not turning on the radio when I returned...

I won't bother to get into the monarchy 'pros and cons' debate or the multi cultural society (mental programming) debate either..

I went out today for another great ride as it happens...Ian:sunglasses:

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Re: Royal Wedding

Good idea, Rob, convert M20s to electricity! I am sure everyone would be happy. Thankfully, this could never be done to a Matchless cos electrons always seem to dribble away, never to be replaced, on a WDG3L! By all means replace one of Jaguars finest engines with a washing machine motor, but surely if you really want electricity to propel you down the driveway:yum: to party withh all the other undeserving rich, a golf buggy would do?

Re: Royal Wedding

Rob Miller
You miserable lot, it made a lot of people very happy, and they can't all share my hobby, there aren't enough Military motor cycles to go around.

And I learned something from the coverage which will probably have a bearing on this hobby, the E Type Jaguar driven by the happy couple later in the day which had been converted to an Electric power train, its something I have been wondering about for a while, old vehicles continued value and purpose is reliant on them having a future post oil, the idea of an electric M20 or Welbike sounds quite feasible to me.

Happy or anxious ?
weddings are happy times for the couple ( unless dad has a shotgun under the table ) but I fear for most it was a case of dreaming that they were a princess or marrying a movie star.
Much along the same fantasy limes of what you will do when you win the lottery .

They are just 2 people, like rock starts are people, like movie stars are people, like football stars are people.
People doing a job, no better or necessary than the bloke unblocking a sewer pipe or the person behind the wheel of a bus.
In fact even less so as they did not have to get any sort of skills to get into this position and then most do not acquire the skills required to do the job so they end up dissolutioned then divorced

email (option):

Re: Royal Wedding

You're only jealous Trevor. I guess you don't get such spectacles and pageantry as 'Trooping the Colours' or 'Changing the Guard' down Wongalolo Creek. :face_with_rolling_eyes: Ron

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Re: Royal Wedding

I was a bit disappointed by the Royal Wedding. There seemed to be no sign of David Walliams or Gloria Hunniford; my favourites!

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Re: Royal Wedding

I admit I am a Royalist, to me Her Majesty the Queen is not just one person the same as all the other 7,623,786,049 of us.

I don't like football, Rugby or Tennis, but I don't whinge on about it, as long as other people want to watch it, let it continue.


email (option): robmiller11(a)

Re: Royal Wedding

Here Here Rob. The Yanks have their flag. We have our Queen. Ron

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Re: Royal Wedding

Wongalolo Creek.:laughing:

Re: Royal Wedding

I think Ron must have spelt it wrong as I can't find Wongalolo Creek on Google Earth..

on the other hand I did come across: Woolloomooloo, Wonglepong, Wagga Wagga, Upotipotpon, Pimpinbudgie, Poowong, Tittybong, Ozenkadnook, Mount Buggery, Moolooloo, Koolyanobbing, Humpybong, Gooloogong, Cock Wash, Burpengary, Binnaway, Boing Boing & Banana.

All of which, I am sure, host spendid pageants on a regular basis

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Re: Royal Wedding

Sorry! My mastery of Aboriginal place names is somewhat lacking. I'm sure it was somewhere similar that I saw David Gulpilil sitting cross legged by a watering hole, skinning a lizard. Ron

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