Which period of gas paint are you intending to replicate ?
For the early-war yellow, you're fairly close with a Humbrol modelling matt yellow with a tiny spot of red added. It needs to be badly stirred and applied thickly with lumps and brush marks or it won't be at all authentic.
A small tin of modelling paint is more than enough for the amount needed on a motorcycle.
Hi Rik,
What shade of humbrol yellow would be best for early war gas detection pain, Found 3 shades numbers 99, 24, and 81, Any knowlage would be greatly appreciated.
Regards John,
John, I thought that I'd be able to go straight to my box of model paints but I only have gloss yellow there...The best-looking Humbrol to me is 154 Insignia matt yellow. I have a feeling that I put a tiny bit of red with it.
Thanks Rik,
I called in at a local model shop this morning but was looking at pale Yellow (Looking at original 16h on the WD Norton website, may have faded thru age tho) will call in tomorrow and get a tin of insignia and a tin of red, BTW how rare is it to find the real stuff I'm a sucker for originality'
Many thanks John,
John, the original 16H is mine and I matched the Humbrol to the panel on the fuel tank (which isn't mine but which I had here for a while). It's probably darker than it looks on screen.
I've not heard of any of the early paint surviving - I think that supplies were used up before the new shades were introduced.
The most important thing in my opinion is to get the basic machine colour thoroughly matt. I failed in that aspect :-(
Me too' only original paint i found on my M20 was inside the brake plates, took 1 along to my local paint supplier but I wasn't happy with the colour he offered so didn't bother, so for the meantime I'll leave it in previous owner brush painted D Day green until I have collected all the right bits for it then do the job right, But i think Humbrol gas detector paint will get em scratching thier heads amongst other things'
Regards John,
Hi Gerard, i have a couple of cans of late war original anti gas paint which I brought back from Normandy. You are welcome to have enough for your headlight. This paint is more of a mustard colour. Cheers. John