Impeccably made mudguards on the cards, but detailed info is required.
Dear All
In my quest to try and find a rear mudguard for my 1943 WM20, I have been in contact with a company in Australia that manufactures vintage motorcycle mudguards. The process and craftsmanship can be seen for yourselves in the following website
They have said that at the minute they do not produce for the BSA WM20 but are already looking into adding the mudguard into their product line. They have asked me if I can get any relevant information together regarding dimensions, images and dare I say it shop drawings if someone has any under their mattress. They are looking into getting a loner is OZ to try and copy.
Unfortunately my rear mudguard is incorrect so I am no help to the guys, but I did say I would ask the group to see if any relevant info is available.
They are heading out on their National Veteran Rally for 2 weeks and said they would touch base upon return to try and get the ball rolling.
Please let me know if anyone may be interested, if I can give these guys some rough numbers of people whom may be interested it may make the project start faster than we think.
Re: Impeccably made mudguards on the cards, but detailed info is required.
It's not the Australian's fault that you all voted the £ sterling down the Swanee.
Realistically, a decent pre-war Norton tailpiece will probably cost more than £100 these days and a mudguard approaching £200 and it will need sorting...
Re: Impeccably made mudguards on the cards, but detailed info is required.
Hi Stuart
I'm looking for a ribbed rear mudguard for my 1940 WM, if I can find one from UK I will sell you my non ribbed rear, if you are interested it's in pretty good condition, e-mail me if interested I live in NZ. Cheers Barry