Hi I am going to rebush the forks and wondered if someone here could recommend the best brass/bronze to use, I'm over in the UK for nettley etc and hope to pick up the right stuff when there.
Thanks Ian, I'll check the noggin end chap to see if he has that grade or similar, I can't recall if he goes to Netley but I know he is always at Beaulieu.
And thanks I'll will drop in and have a chat I'm sure I'll be able to find the stall.
Regards Grahame
I use LG 2 ( I think ) for all bushes, wet dry rotating , sliding it really can not be beat and being softer than all of the parts made of unobtanium it wears slowly to save your valuable parts.
The stuff is 85 % Cu and 5% each of Pb,Zn & Sn.
Only thing I don't usually make out of it is valve guides ( although I did make one for the B40 GA which ran for 35 years without problems ).
Because it is only used for bushings you can buy it as a heavy walled tube so less machining and less waste , well scrap metal turnings any way as I can not stand anything being wasted.
Made engine bushes, including timing side A 10, gear box bushes and fork bushes ( sliding not girder ) machines perfectly with standard tooling
I have used PB1 and when I could not get it, used LG2. I don't think the material for fork bushes is really that critical as long as you have a good fit and keep them greased.