In the new edition of O&M on pages 47/48 is a list of M20's that were supplied to the Corps of Military Police for D Day. It actually lists the riders names. I've never seen anything like that before!
Most of these bikes are from the mid war period with a couple of nearly new bikes.
It's well worth checking out the list in case you can put a riders name to your bike.
I've been chatting to Chris Orchard and he'd love to hear from anyone who has one. You never know, you could be changing the markings on your bike to MP. Ron
Imagine if the family could be traced too and they have an actual photo of the rider on it too! How much will that M20 be worth? Stuff your over priced/exotic Vincents, mine's an ordinary/lowly BSA M20 any time!!
I've no problem if you mention on the forum that I'll be at War & Peace Show in the Authors Pavilion on the Thursday (4pm) and Friday (1pm) for about 3/4hr with Steve.
What is on the cover Photo of this 3rd edition. The DR's with the gasmasks or the front wheel and full motorcyle? So that I am sure I order the right one.
What is on the cover Photo of this 3rd edition. The DR's with the gasmasks or the front wheel and full motorcyle? So that I am sure I order the right one.