Questions for build specifications for contract S5209
Hi I am trying to figure out the following correct parts for the 1944/45 S5209 contract so that when i am sourcing these parts i get the right ones. I ask as many of the pictures on the net show both types fitted to bikes of this period and i would like to make the effort to have it correct.
Tank rubbers: yes or no?
Rear mudguard: ribbed or not?
Handle bar levers: combination or separate type? and what brand for the levers (amal, bowden?)
Tappet cover: Aluminium with piled guns or plain steel.
Also i have a seat base that looks correct in shape, but it does not have the front forks that fit to the top of the frame, these look to have been bolted or riveted on as there are holes for them. Can someone let me know the overall dimensions of a correct one so i can see if mine is right with just the little forks missing.
many thanks
Re: Questions for build specifications for contract S5209
Hi Grahame,
If you send me your engine and frame numbers I can find out what tank number it should have. I am sure that I have lots of WWII photos of BSA's with tank numbers close to your BSA to get an idea of what it should look like.