We all do stupid things at times.......but sometimes, good engineering and a sound design can override those human errors........
Forum viewers may recall that my complete WD James ML previously would not run.......following an engine strip-down, renewing all bearings, bushes, crankcase seals, rebore, new piston and rings, etc, plus an ignition overhaul and a thorough clean of the carburetter, she then started and ran beautifully, each and every time..........
Yesterday, I noticed a weep of oil on the cylinder head from the spark-plug hole (18mm here).........closer examination revealed that I'd only screwed the plug in barely finger-tight...........but still she ran........
Having since tightened the plug fully, needless to say she has a bit more compression now - lol !!! And still runs as well as before the tightening...........just goes to show an engine in really good condition that will still work despite human error......
Also running on a 1943 18mm Lodge C3 Plug with the 3-contact points, second-hand too.........