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C numbers (again)

Hello all,
I'm sure I've asked before but I can't find any evidence that I did but....
Can anyone give me the "C" numbers for the following machines.
a) BSA M20 frame number 110468
b) Matchless G3L frame number 21090
If anyone can help I would be grateful and promise not to loss the informtion again.
Many thanks

Re: C numbers (again)

Hi Richard,

The tank number for your BSA is C5551168. I can't help you with the Matchless.


email (option):

Re: C numbers (again)

Thanks Henk,
That's great, now all I need to do is paint it on the tank!
Tanks again

Re: C numbers (again)

Richard, I am not at home and therefore do not have a book handy to be able to give you the C number on the Matchless. However, I know this is a very low frame number for a G3L and must be from the first contract. Do you have the early rear frame and all if the different parts which appeared on the first contract bikes ? My recollection is different rear frame, ribbed mudguards, rear mudguard is quite short, no front stand, tin folded levers, different fork yokes - top one has strengthening ribs, no front stand etc. cheers John

Re: C numbers (again)

According to O&C, the Matchless is from a Feb '42 contract and the C numbrr would be C4649865.

Re: C numbers (again)

Ferg, what's your nickname for Steve Madden that begins with a 'C' ? ...You don't have to answer that !

Re: C numbers (again)

Hello John,
Thanks for the interest, although a low frame number it has the later cast lugs on the rear frame and a replacement engine No. 42326. So I suspect it has been rebuilt at lest twice, once by the army and once by me. It did come with ribbed mudguards but they were made by BSA! And yes it did have some horrible pressed levers but they would have been a insult to an Indian bicycle so I now have nice brass/bronze levers.

Re: C numbers (again)

Thanks FerG3,
You have made my day!

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