This isn't a very critical issue, but before I forget I thought I'd post a note to warn people to stay away from Draganfly's steering damper star washers. I should have noticed this before I ordered it, but it's a stainless star washer, which has essentially no rebound ability. So, it's pretty much useless as a star washer. I (stupidly) installed the washer, cranked down 50%-60% or so on the washer, and after only about 30-seconds of compression the washer lost nearly half of it's height/thickness. Since I knew it was useless, I then cranked down 100% for another 30-second test, and after releasing compression it was nearly flat. Frustrating, but ahh well. Figured I'd add a note here for anyone else looking for star washers. One good note - the thackery washer was good ;)
Aah, I now feel kinda bad for not posting this info, see have the exact same experience from when I mounted mine like two years ago. Could have saved you the trouble.
And just like Ian I can't see why they didn't make one that works? Have mainly positive experiences from Draganfly aoart from this.
Part number was 25-5247. Which, speaking of, is the correct M20 part number but it wasn't a correct replacement size-wise either. Outside diameter was a bit too large, but it didn't matter in the end. Back to the drawing board. If anyone knows of a better source, let me me know. I have generally had good success with Draganfly on other parts.
Update... I sent a note to Draganfly, and after some back and forth I actually got a pretty satisfying reply. Looks like they're planning to remedy the situation. See below:
"Just an update regarding the material used for the Star Washers.
Roger has carried out some further investigations and it would seem that they have been produced with the wrong type of stainless steel. They will be eaustonitic instead of martensitic.
This would not have been brought to our attention without the concerns you raised, so thank you. We will be looking to change the material to one suitable for the job."