Spent a few hours today with Terry at "Metal Magic" discussing parts........
I've known this craftsman for nigh-on 30 years and he is one of the best......old-school, but never afraid to embrace the modern........his son Drew I've known for the same time and also a top bloke...........
Terry is a tad over 70 (but if you met him you would swear he was in his Fifties !)......a wealth of knowledge and experience and with metal, there is NOTHING he doesn't know................
As a pointer, current discussions involve replica James ML and Flea Villiers Air-Filters/Cleaners, Miller Tail-Lights (WD Convoy type)....blackout masks and headlights already made suitable for Velo, Matchless G3L and Flea............
Forum members can always go through me with any query.......please provide an email for reply and I will pass on to Terry...........he can generally make or repair anything from metal.........and he is a traditional craftsman (old school) rather than modern but never dismisses the latter if workable.............international no problem either.......... I would not recommend anyone I would not use nor trust myself...
You will pay for quality parts and service, but I always say never enter this hobby today if you can't afford to maintain it............