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Wanted - WD Motorcycle

Still looking for a WW2 motorcycle to restore, limited funds rule out an up-and-running example so need to spread the cost over time... Can anyone help?

Possible swap for a nice 1959 ex-AFS Matchless?

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Re: Wanted - WD Motorcycle

Given the excitement over the prospect of attending Normandy 2014 I thought I would revise my last post...

If I stand any chance of getting a bike to Normandy in 2014 I think I have to rule out a restoration. So, I guess I'm looking for something that is at least up and running, not necessarily pretty etc. but something to give me a fighting chance of getting it ready in time.

The AFS Matchless is now up for sale...

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Re: Wanted - WD Motorcycle

Hi Dave...I'm starting a full restortation of my M20 this autumn and intend to ride it to Normandy in 2013..You should have plenty of time.. ...Ian

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Re: Wanted - WD Motorcycle

Time is not a problem...

It's the money to fund a full restoration that's in short supply, being a poor old unemployed forces veteran

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