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I've seen 3 types of goggles claiming to be dispatch riders. The 1st type I've seen in pictures so I would say are correct, the 2nd are the same with tinted glass, and the 3rd are round.
Which ones are DR goggles?




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Re: Goggles



Wouldn't they correctly be called MT Goggles rather than DR ?

Mine are your second pattern.

Early war images often show the anti-gas eyeshields.

Re: Goggles

I don't think there is really any right or wrong as far as goggles are concerned, as long as they are of the correct period. You often see the first ones you've pictured being used by military motorcyclists, but you also see all sorts of other shapes and styles. I don't think any of the three you've got could be described as being 'wrong'.

Re: Goggles

The tint is anti gas? Ok, how does that work?

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Re: Goggles

No, the tint is simply for the sun, and the yellow does give sharp definition.

These are the gas shields used as cheap eye protection :-


Round and hinged on the same parade, and no-one improperly dressed.


Re: Goggles

Ah ok thanks, I misunderstood what you meant
Great pictures too.

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Re: Goggles

All Goggles are correct and used by WW2 DR. The yellow ones are anti-fog. We still use the yellow coloured sunglasses as police motordrivers in Holland. Gives you a very clear vision, also in bad weather and twilight. It works, you should try it. You forgot to mention the ones with the orange/red glasses. Were also used by DR. Works as sunglasses. I,ve got a picture of the liberation of Eindhoven in Holland where the smaller rounder goggles, in picture 3, are being used by British DR.
All goggles were also used by WW2 tank crews, jeep drivers and recce troops.



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Re: Goggles

I've never seen anyone other than aircrew using the split screen Mk VIII type goggles, has anyone got any pictures of motorcyclists or drivers using these or where they solely for the fly boys?

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