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Self lubricating valve lifter

Is there a way of stopping the valve lifter from rust-proofing my M20?
The assembly consists of the big threaded nut with a hole in the middle (technical, eh...), the splined cam, the lifter arm and an o-ring on the splined cam, between the arm and the big nut - is it complete?

Would another, thin, o-ring at the other end of the cam help or would this move it too close to the valve?


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Re: Self lubricating valve lifter

Hi Lee, Under the operating arm there should be a spring, which pulls the spindle up against the crankcase fitting inside the tappet chest when the nut holding the arm is fully tightened.
I take off the arm, remove the spring and fit an O ring in the recess that the spring sits in. It doesn't want to be too thick and a good fit on the shaft and in the recess. The spring holds it in place when everything is refitted...Ian

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Re: Self lubricating valve lifter

Ah, a missing spring.
Thanks Ian, I'd never have sussed it - my heads still trying to get to grips with the different thread types and it's leaving little room for anything else.

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Re: Self lubricating valve lifter

Huh! Lee, you should have been there during the discussions I had with Ian and two other precision engineers over a speedo drive thread. Turns out there is 26 TPI Cycle thread, Brass thread, model engineers thread and with different thread angles. After all that, it seems you can use an 18mmx1 metric tap?? Ron

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Re: Self lubricating valve lifter

Was there olso a filt ring behind the sprig of the valve lifter? wath hase a litle oil on it ? I think they will not be found anny more. Gr Theo

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