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looking for a PDF of the Parts Book for 1949-58 M20/M21/M33

Hi all,

Im just trying to idetify some parts i have on a bit-sa M21 which i'm currently building from swap meet baragins, if anyone has a digital copy of the Parts Book for 1949-58 M20/M21/M33Owners Maintenance Manual and Service Sheet i'd love to hear from you!

you can get me at nick.umek[AT] (replace the middle bit with @)


Re: looking for a PDF of the Parts Book for 1949-58 M20/M21/M33

You can download a copy from Draganfly it covers Wm20 M20 B31 B33 and C series
Did you speak to Reece miller about a frame yet.
Might see you at the next club meeting
Cheers Darren

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