Upload your photo to Photobucket, Tinypic or similar and alongside your freshly uploaded pic you'll see a direct link which you can highlight and copy (press Ctrl & C when highlighted) and then paste (Ctrl & V)onto your message with at the end. It sounds complicated but isn't that bad. Ps. Don't put the IMG in capitals, use lower case. I've had to use capitals so it'd show on the message.
Hope this helps and if anyone has an easier way, please let me know!
Upload a photo on the forum, this is how you do it.
You have to get an account at www.photobucket.com or similar. You upload your photos there and copy the HTML code from the photo, you do need the HTML code for this forum. When you put the cursor of your mouse on top of the photo you want to use, a few codes will show. You left click your mouse with your cursor on the HTML code and it copies automatically. You then paste (right click the mouse) this code in your forum post and it's can't go wrong, I just did it with this lovely photo.