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How do I know the correct pattern handlebars?

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Re: Handlebars

If you find a set, I need some too! Look at the pic on the header above, (stop staring at the girl, she's about 90 now) and mentally memorize the hand position. Now sit in your computer chair and practice that pose. When you find a set of 'bars that look and feel the same, congratulations!

Re: Handlebars

ian wright had some pattern ones made a while back, spot on for bend and length,,,

Re: Handlebars

With standard (universal) handlebars the first bend goes up and quite a bit forward while the WDM20 handlebars the first bend only goes upwards. This makes the handlebars go a little further backwards then most others do. It took me a while to get used to them, they'r a little strange at first but once used to them you will learn to love them.

Original handlebars are hard to find, it took me years of autojumbeling to find one set.

Do I make myself clear I hope it's all still English enough for you to understand.


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Re: Handlebars

while on the topic of handle bars has any body got some unchromed handle bar bolts and a unchromed throttle body thank you roger

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Re: Handlebars

Vincent V
If you find a set, I need some too! Look at the pic on the header above, (stop staring at the girl, she's about 90 now) and mentally memorize the hand position. Now sit in your computer chair and practice that pose. When you find a set of 'bars that look and feel the same, congratulations!

Hi Vince,

Ever since I was 15, I have wanted a "cougar", and she would just right about now!

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Re: Handlebars

In the picture below is the obviously bent bars I got with my M20...

Two questions...
I there a way to tell, or does anyone know, if these are original M20 bars?
And...can the right side be safely straightened?

Thanks for any help,

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Re: Handlebars

I am pretty sure that these are original handlebars. Mine were just as bent and I am riding around happily for years already with them. The left hand side seems to be more or less as it should to my opinion.


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Re: Handlebars

Henk WM21 2415
I am pretty sure that these are original handlebars. Mine were just as bent and I am riding around happily for years already with them. The left hand side seems to be more or less as it should to my opinion.


Thank you.

How did you go about straitening them?


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Re: Handlebars

The original ones I have were bent too, I used oxy/acetylene to heat them and just carefully bent them back, you have to be careful where you heat them otherwise you end up with a visible "double bend"!

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Re: Handlebars

Hi Bob,

A guy from Iceland made me these clamps, he made me two sets. With these I can clamp a bent handlebar in my vice and bent it back in shape quite easily.


handlebar clamp

handlebar clamp

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Re: Handlebars

Henk WM21 2415
Hi Bob,

A guy from Iceland made me these clamps, he made me two sets. With these I can clamp a bent handlebar in my vice and bent it back in shape quite easily.


Clever, very clever...

Re: Handlebars

Here's what mine look like. The handlebar tools are great! I'll have to make some.

The bottom set is a touring bar I suppose. It does have the bungs, whilst the top one does not.

Is the top one correct? or at least close?

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