I remember seeing a discussion here few days ago (?) regarding greasing or oiling the girder fork links.
I wanted to read it again, but just cannot find it. Tried every search…
Hi Noam...If that was the discussion I am thinking of it was months back...I raised the question as in the M20 handbooks (or at least some of them) oil is specified as a fork lubricant and not grease. I seem to remember it was determined that in later handbooks grease was specified. I believe the conclusion at the time was that a light grease was the way to go....Ian
I guess I came across it while reading old threads few days ago, so thought it was new.
I read few pages back (Few times..) and could not find it.
I wanted to show it in order to prove to an old BSA M20 "Mechanic" (which favorite tool it a hammer )
That girder fork links originally were intended to be lubed by heavy oil. (110 if memory serves me correctly)