I was thinking this same thing. You usually go home very dirty if you do find something. The person that digs through the trash heaps and milk crates of greasy dirty rusty parts MAY find something of use.
I met Leon at Ashford show on Monday, he was with another guy from Holland who was looking at an old Villiers engine, I got one or two bits there but they want the earth for things these days, the guy at the stall did have some NOS BSA M20 bits though.
You lad's from the States shouldn't get depressed...The picture shows one of the inside halls which are reasonably civilised..outside things are a lot more like the jumbles you describe with plenty of rust, scrap and sad remains on offer in amongst the servicable stuff...Ian
Yes I agree with Ian. We spend a lot of time rummaging through box's on the floor which can be full of rusty or greasy parts.
TT John the other Dutch bloke with Leon was Henk!
They spent the night at my place in Poole on Sunday. I made them some bacon and eggs before they came to Ashford.....Did they look well? Ron
Thanks for the info, as I had never met Henk before it was a pleasure to meet them both. The question is did Henk buy that rusty old Villiers engine? & it was an early one bolt to the frame of a push bike job, although it was not complete I thought the dealer was asking too much for it.
Henk was pleading poverty, opening his empty wallet. Is this his tactic for getting stuff cheap
Yes that's exactly right John. Henk's wallet is always empty for effect. But his pockets are bulging with cash. Can't think why he'd want a stroker engine though.....I expect he knows a man in Holland who does need one. Ron
I spend heaps of money at the Stafford autojumble and was indeed completely broke when I arrived in Ashford. When I arrived in Holland I had just 5 pounds left.
At least you won't lose much on the exchange rate Henk ..and you have your vast profits to look forward to when you sell some of the goodies!...Julie said 'Thanks' for the present from Holland...she hasn't let me near the contents!!..Ian
I spend heaps of money at the Stafford autojumble and was indeed completely broke when I arrived in Ashford. When I arrived in Holland I had just 5 pounds left.
Poor me.
Henk, you did better then me!!! I had only 10p left!!!!
The Villiers engine had an XXA prefix and that will excite some people on this forum. But the crankshaft was all f....d up and for that the price was too high.
Did you actually buy that engine? I thought that guy was a little bit pricey, I did get a retaining screw for the front brake plate, he wanted £5 for one but I knocked him down to £3. I must admit though he did have some genuine NOS M20 gearbox linkages for about £15 each.
Sorry about the vague introdution on meeting you but now I may remember you & Leon when we meet again.
I had my Matchless G9 on display at the show but I did see a couple of nice M20s showing also, one left early which was a bit more civilianised but still very nice.
I spent all my pocket money also
No, I didn't buy that little engine. I really had just 5 pound left and I didn't want to borrow money to get it. I wasn't 100% sure if it was the right engine and reading Ron's post it's good that I didn't get it as it had the wrong number.
A Villiers Junior Deluxe engine from an Autocycle will do just fine for a Welbike....as long as you can find an original Welbike side cover with the number on. Fortunately for us who have an original, it's not easy to modify one of these, because of the razed 'No' at the start of the engine number. Ron
A Villiers Junior Deluxe engine from an Autocycle will do just fine for a Welbike....as long as you can find an original Welbike side cover with the number on. Fortunately for us who have an original, it's not easy to modify one of these, because of the razed 'No' at the start of the engine number. Ron
Ron, your brake rod adjusting lever (with the holes) looks suspiciously repro!!
It's par for the course! Every time I show a picture, someone will find a fault But I don't really mind. It gives me something else to do to correct these features. It's so long since I restored this Welbike from India that I just can't remember. Can you show me a real one Lex? Ron
Lex, the trouble is, I've stroked and ported the engine and fitted one of Ian's big pistons. So I felt the need to improve the braking system as well. .
If at some time someone could let me know the gauge of an original strap. I'll make another one.
Lex is that bloke still selling the Welbike parts? I can't remember his name. He told me he wanted to off load that side of his business....Not enough customers it seems. Ron