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Disruptive Decisions.

It's almost the end of January and despite the best of intentions, I still haven't stripped the 16H down to repaint it with something less shiny.

Bearing in mind my sort of time-scales, Normandy is drawing a bit close.

The original plan was to reinstate the light green diagonal disruptive scheme that the bike retained traces of and I think that I'll give that a go. The brushing enamel might be better than the expensive 2-pack.

I measured up the mudguards during restoration.


I've been chalking the pattern out this evening, trying to extend the scheme logically across the fuel tank etc.


I've tried the colour out on the back of a spare brake drum. It will be an unusual combination. Still too shiny and the original had a rougher texture with yellowish lumps in - it was supplied to units as a powder which was thinned with petrol.


I shall try crumbling some yellow chalk into it to give some texture.

This is the only BEF motorcycle photo that I know of with a disruptive camouflage and it appears to be KG3 over pre-war green. It is quite different from my diagonal remnants


I assume that as per other vehicles, the wheels shouldn't be camouflaged. Should I extend it to the primary chaincase ?

What if I splash the engine ....?....

Re: Disruptive Decisions.

Mmmm...Personally I would include the clutch cases as they are one of the larger surface areas which would have benefited from 'disruption'.
Finish wise I think you should consider matt varnish as a solution to the gloss problem. Firstly as a short term fix and if successful as a way of avoiding a total repaint.
As for the scheme...I would go for know it was on the bike originally and it would make for an interesting variation from the norm...Ian

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