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Early Us Army Motorcycles

Some Photo's Found when I had nothing better to do (too hot to work in the Shed)

No Title or date on This One

Apparently Taken one Month after the Armistices

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Re: Early Us Army Motorcycles

Please stop it Ron, to hot in the shed I can't even remember it ever being hot in Holland at all.

My son Vincent is in Coolangatta at the moment and he told me it's hot hot hot hot hot and sunny sunny sunny at the moment. Wish I was there.


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Re: Early Us Army Motorcycles


My son Vincent is in Coolangatta at the moment and he told me it's hot hot hot hot hot and sunny sunny sunny at the moment. Wish I was there.


Sorry for the delay in replying but I am preparing to go back to the middle of the Dessert i did take time to user my Laser temperature Probe to measure Shed Temperatures and Found for an outside temp of 36 C the roof and walls measured 48C with inside temps of 42C perhaps I would Prefer some Snow and Lower temps I am not so sure about Coolongatta as they are in an area currently devastated by Floods although
Coolongatta has not figured in the news reports and it looks Like apart from the Gold Coast Airport damage was contained

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Re: Early Us Army Motorcycles

Vincent wrote us that they had quite a bit of rain but nothing compared to what we have seen on television about Queensland. Now the weather seems to be very nice in coolangatta. I can't wait for summer and 30 plus Celsius again.


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Re: Early Us Army Motorcycles

Vincent wrote us that they had quite a bit of rain but nothing compared to what we have seen on television about Queensland. Now the weather seems to be very nice in coolangatta. I can't wait for summer and 30 plus Celsius again.


i am Glad you have Raised Responsible Children who keep their parents informed in Situations Like This, I know I would be concerned if any of my extended Family (Children, Grand Children & Great Grandchildren) where in the Midst of this Chaos And they did not contact us. As I got a Bollocking from the Eldest Granddaughter Last year When we were in Derry NI just after a Republican Incident and we Did not report in on our regular Facebook conversation. With Respect to the weather we are never Happy with what we Have I am looking forward to night Time temperatures dropping below 15C so that I can Retire to the Shed Light up the brazier and keep warm working on the Selection Of motorcycles i am Struggling to Restore

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Re: Early Us Army Motorcycles

how is that new flood around swan hill effecting you sad about the other people

Re: Early Us Army Motorcycles

Fortunately I live some hundreds of Kilometres From Swan Hill and work in the middle of the dessert Australia Has Come out of The worst Drought in Living Memory. So Water flowing into its Biggest river system the Murray Darling Basin has to be A positive the floods are a negative and the sight of people suffering must surely tug at the heart strings but the sight of the lakes at the end of this system filling is a positive being resilient and generous people with compassion for those affected we will get over it one hopes that the flat earth society do not win the arguments and we as a nation move forward.

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